We manufacture harmonic filter offering best profitable functions to industry for troubleshooting failure permitting full load plant operation and energy saving.
Harmonic Filter solution is an engineer's approach to increasing 3P, Power, Productivity and Profitability. No stoppage. No breakdown. No quality rejection. Or for that matter, harmonic filtering reduces end-product quality rejection and in-process scrap generation by over 50% on a six-sigma scale for the manufacturing process industries. Power quality stoppages, plant breakdowns and equipment failures get mitigated by over 90%.
We proactively tune our harmonics filter that absorb most of your plant generated and electrical power system's harmonics. It hugely relieves your plant and machineries from the onslaught of harmonic distortions, that starting from downstream at load delivery points extents up to upstream with its interconnected power systems. While your electrical equipment are designed for a 50hz (or 60hz) frequency capability; harmonic distortions put addition loads on equipment, extents of which depend upon power system harmonics, namely Total Harmonic Distortion Current (THDi) and Total Harmonic Distortion Voltage (THDv) which are predominately in the regions of 150hz, 250hz, 350hz, 550hz and 650hz for 50hz for industrial and commercial systems.
Your electrical equipment are not designed to handle these high frequency currents and voltages, unless they are appropriately oversized, an option that apart from ending up as a fuel guzzler locks up your investment cost with excessive equipment footprint in unutilized capital cost. The reverse situation is mostly true and we routinely find oversized equipment whenever we encounter a new client, and that is precisely the reason we deliver up to 30% enhanced production capacity with the same equipment footprint. That apart active harmonic filters cost you 3 to 5% real energy (kWh) losses as per OEM catalogue, whereas Encon tuned harmonic filters deliver you 3 to 15% real energy (kWh) savings, depending upon how critical are your plant's harmonic distortions in terms of both THDv and THDi.
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