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Website: is an innovative platform for existing and aspiring entrepreneurs. Crazy About Startups creates a community of all crazy entrepreneurs who eat, sleep, breathe and dream about start-ups. Crazy about Startups is an online community that provides entrepreneurs and Startups with networking opportunities, start-up news, tips, technology trends, industry updates, research and surveys, interviews, success stories, funding information, videos, deals and more. Users can also ask questions from experts on the company’s online forum as well as watch videos and get event information.
The Crazy About Startups mobile app gives you updates from the world of start-ups and entrepreneurship. It features real life case studies on entrepreneurs and start-up news. It also features a know how section , which aims to help entrepreneurs through the start-up journey. The start-up resources section features tips on business planning, start-up funding, entrepreneurship basics and on how to manage a start-up.
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