On February 28-29, 2020, 2nd European Autism Congress (Autism 2020) will be holding the gatherings of the experts in the field of autism, autistic spectrum disorder, autistic disorder, ADHD in Budapest, Hungary.
This event is supported by the editorial board member of the Journal Autism-open access, Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology and international Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology, accredited by CPD
Autism 2020 will provide podium of interaction of various researchers, scholars, students, delegate, practitioners, business personnel, share their research work, globalize the researches by installing a dialogue between industries & academic organization through knowledge transfer from research to industry and clinics presenting as workshop, symposium, lectures, plenary & keynote presentation to focus the light on new ideas in treatment strategies to accomplish the theme: A Step Towards Global Autism Awareness & Accelerating Recovery along with a designated registration area, refreshment break & gala lunch to keep up to date with the accelerating pace in the field of autism & objective is to provide and international platform for precious discussions on recent innovations, clinical trials, present & future challenges, continuing education along with one on one expertise meeting to build open opportunities towards collaboration and strengthen professional network to continue in the future.
The topics for Call for Abstracts in this year conference are: Autism Tests & Treatment, Autism Associated Syndromes & Disorders, High Functioning Autism, Autism Sensory Integration, Autism Emotion Regulation, Autism and Crime, Everyday Autistic Life Challenges, Autism: Transitioning to Adulthood, New skills acquisition & Self Management, Behavioral Intervention, Autistic education & IEP (Individualized Education Plan), Assistive Communication, Social Interaction and Community Support, Autism Awareness, Autism Research: New Insights & Case Reports
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