Our audiologist will observe your level of Best Hearing Sol perfectly to determine whether you have a hearing loss or not. The test will take between 50 to 60 minutes. There are many factors which can lead to hearing loss, including an aging hearing system,loud voices, infections, heredity, etc.
An audiologist test is very important because hearing loss can occur at any age and can
affect the quality of life. An audiometry evaluation is a painless and non-invasive hearing test, It measures the ability to hear.
At Hearing Sol, we all come to work every day because we want to solve the one of the biggest problem solving of hearing. Hearing Impaired / Patients don’t know what to trust, how to compare, or even what is the right price to be offered. Doctors or Audiologist or Ear Specialist don’t know where their target users are, how to reach them where they want to go and how much money they need to spend in order to do so. Investors aren’t sure which apps, mediums and genres are growing.
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